The Weinstein Company on Thursday shifted the release date of one of its main awards hopefuls, “August: Osage County,” to Christmas Day. It had been scheduled to debut on November 8.
August: Osage County
本片改編自同名話劇,該話劇曾獲普利策戲劇獎和紐約戲劇評論獎。故事講述一個創傷家族幾代人的愁苦和噩夢,由約翰威爾斯(John Wells)導演。
片中敘述一個創傷家族幾代人的愁苦和噩夢,由約翰威爾斯(John Wells)導演。梅莉史翠普扮演一個南方家庭吸毒成癮、脾氣暴躁的母親維奧利特威斯頓(Violet Weston),在丈夫不幸淹死後,她成為一家之主。茱莉亞羅勃茲將扮演她的大女兒芭芭拉福德姆(Barbara Fordham),一個婚姻觸礁的控制狂。
Spoiler Alert
Spoiler Alert
In Oklahoma, in August, Beverly Weston (Shepard), is a poet with a drinking problem while his wife, Violet (Streep) suffers from mouth cancer and has a newly developed addiction to drugs. Beverly decides to hire a live-in cook and caregiver for Violet.
A few weeks after Johnna (Upham) is hired, Beverly disappears which motivates the family to come together to look for him but only to find a few days later that he has committed suicide. Violet and Beverly's daughters, Barbara (Roberts) and Karen (Lewis), along with Ivy (Nicholson) who lives in the house, come to their father’s funeral, as does the entire family.
A series of conflicts ensue over the next several days as Violet and Barbara have never understood each other. Karen's fiance proves to be a pot smoker and tries to molest his soon to be niece, Ivy is planning to run away with her cousin after engaging in a romantic relationship. At the end Violet remains alone, only with Johnna.
Meryl Streep ... Violet Weston
Sam Shepard ... Beverly Weston
Julia Roberts ... Barbara Weston
Julianne Nicholson ... Ivy Weston
Juliette Lewis ... Karen Weston
Ewan McGregor ... Bill Fordham
Abigail Breslin ... Jean Fordham
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左起,Ivy、Violet、Barbara |
Margo Martindale ... Mattie Fae Aiken
Chris Cooper ... Charles Aiken
Benedict Cumberbatch ... 'Little' Charles Aiken
Dermot Mulroney ... Steve
Misty Upham ... Johnna
Will Coffey ... Sheriff
Weston一家因為父親的自殺而重聚,大姊Barbara正與丈夫Bill分居並且對女兒Jean隱瞞這件事,並試圖修復兩人的關係;二姐Ivy是唯一還留在家中的女兒,與表弟'Little' Charles發展戀情並計畫一同搬到紐約;三妹Karen帶未婚夫Steve回家參加喪禮,Steve發現Jean在抽大麻後兩人一起分享了,最後卻試圖侵犯自己的未來姪女。
Mattie Fae Aiken是Violet的妹妹,丈夫Charles Aiken以及兩人兒子'Little' Charles Aiken(BC的角色)。Mattie對'Little' Charles態度苛刻使丈夫Charles使丈夫感到不滿。
Mattie Fae查覺到'Little' Charles與Ivy的感情,並激烈反對;原因是因為他的親生父親是Beverly Weston,兩人是同父異母的親姊弟。
而後Bill帶著Jean回家,並且告訴Barbara他不會和她複合。而Ivy試圖告訴母親Violet她與Little Charles的決定,Violet卻當場刻意且殘忍的揭穿Little Charles的真正身分,Ivy決定不會告訴Little Charles但是還是要離開這個家去紐約。
- Renée Zellweger and Andrea Riseborough were considered for a role. Riseborough was cast but dropped out due to scheduling conflicts. Juliette Lewis replaced her.
- Chloë Grace Moretz also auditioned for the role of Jean Fordham.