9/17 Michael Fassbender 訪談音檔
“As soon as I read the script, by the end of it, I was in tears,” said Fassbender. “I found it such a moving story, an incredible story. I couldn’t believe it was a true story. I had never heard anything about it before.”
12 Years a Slave 在第38屆多倫多國際影展中獲得最高榮譽觀眾票選獎(People's Choice Award)。
People's Choice Award:
"12 Years a Slave"
Runners-up: "Philomena" and "Prisoners"
People's Choice Award For Documentary:
"The Square"
Runners-up: "Beyond the Edge" and "Hi-Ho Mistahey"
People's Choice Award For Midnight Madness:
"Why Don't You Play In Hell?"
Runners-up: "OCULUS" and "Witching and Bitching"
Best Canadian Feature Film:
"When Jews Were Funny"
Best Canadian First Feature Film:
"Asphalt Watches"
Prizes of the International Critics (FIPRESCI Prize) for Special Presentations Section:
Prizes of the International Critics (FIPRESCI Prize) for Discovery Section:
"The Amazing Catfish"
NETPAC Award For Best Asian Film:
Award For Best Canadian Short Film:
"Noah" (watch it here)
The Grolsch Film Works Discovery Award:
"All The Wrong Reasons"
從過去觀眾票選獎得獎名單來看,1999年美國心玫瑰情 American Beauty、2000年臥虎藏龍 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon、2008年貧民百萬富翁 Slumdog Millionaire、2009年珍愛人生 Precious、2010年王者之聲:宣戰時刻 The King's Speech、2012年派特的幸福劇本 Silver Linings Playbook,皆在奧斯卡有不錯的表現,目前看來明年的奧斯卡12 Years a Slave應該是會收穫頗豐。
9/11 更新Vanity Fair訪問影片
9/8 更新TIFF記者會影片與相關照片
Variety Studio At Holt Renfrew - Day 1 - 2013 Toronto International Film Festival
(September 6, 2013 - Source: Jonathan Leibson/Getty Images North America)
"12 Days A Slave" Press Conference - 2013 Toronto International Film Festival
(September 6, 2013 - Source: Jason Merritt/Getty Images North America)
"12 Years A Slave" Portraits - 2013 Toronto International Film Festival
(September 6, 2013 - Source: Larry Busacca/Getty Images North America)
2013 Toronto International Film Festival - Guess Portrait Studio - Day 3
(September 6, 2013 - Source: Charles Leonio/Getty Images North America)
Fox Searchlight TIFF Party - Arrivals - 2013 Toronto International Film Festival
(September 6, 2013 - Source: Aaron Harris/Getty Images North America)
Toronto loves 'Twelve Years a Slave'
The film, an immersive story rooted in slavery in the 1840s, earned a standing ovation at the Toronto film fest on Friday night, following a buzzy debut in Telluride last week.
As credits rolled on Friday night the audience applauded loudly and began to reflect on what they'd witnessed. "Honestly, I saw Blue is the Warmest Color and I thought that was the best film. And then I saw this," said one attendee. Another called Fassbender's portrayal of a psychotic plantation owner layered, offsetting the extreme violence depicted on screen. Plus, "it's so hard to dislike him because he's so gorgeous," she said.
McQueen said the reason he took onTwelve Years a Slave was simple. "it was important," he said. "And that was it."fr.http://www.greenvilleonline.com/
Toronto: ’12 Years a Slave’ Continues Powerful Momentum with Standing Ovation
After the pic wrapped, it got a standing ovation and the team answered a few questions. Kleiner praised McQueen as a “fearless individual, fearless artist” who was incredulous that there haven’t been more films dealing with slavery. Pitt said, “If I never get to participate in a film again, this is it for me. It was a privilege.”fr.http://variety.com/
Toronto: 12 Years a Slave premieres to ecstatic reactions and Oscar lockdown
The bookmakers of Toronto had better be ready. For when their doors open on Saturday they'll likely find 2,000 people queued round the block to place money on 12 Years a Slave winning the best picture Oscar. That's the capacity of the Princess of Wales theatre, where the premiere of the film took place last night, to gasps, audible tears, a smattering of appalled walk-outs, and a prolonged standing ovation. To those best picture bets, the majority of the crowd will presumably add best director for Steve McQueen, best actor for Chiwetel Ejiofor, best supporting actor for Michael Fassbender, best supporting actress for Lupita Nyong'o, as well as the full slate of technical nods.
12 Years a Slave met with ecstatic reviews when a sneak preview debuted at the boutique film festival in Telluride last week, but its overwhelming reception in Toronto is likely the crucial second step in what looks certain to be a triumphant awards campaign.
The premiere is likely also it for the festival, just one day in. If the notion that 12 Years a Slave won't win the best picture Oscar seems absurd to those who've seen it, the idea that it wouldn't take the audience award - the sole honour at the Toronto film festival - is plain insane.
'12 Years a Slave' Premieres in Toronto
(September 5, 2013 - Source: Jason Merritt/Getty Images North America)
預告出來大致上可以確認每個角色了,Brad Pitt應該是那個幫男主角送信的關鍵角色。
6/28更新McQueen's '12 Years a Slave' Release Date Moves Forward to October 18
12 Years a Slave is based on the 1853 autobiography of Solomon Northup, a free black man who was kidnapped in Washington D.C in 1841 and sold into slavery. He worked on plantations in the state of Louisiana for 12 years before his release.
12 Years a Slave由曾導演過Hunger、Shame的黑人導演Steve McQueen執導,是歷史上的真實事件。影片根據Solomon Northup的自傳回憶錄改編,講述1814年已經是自由人的黑人所羅門在拜訪華盛頓特區期間被人綁架、賣作奴隸,12年後才被人從路易斯安那州的一個棉花種植園裡被人救出。
USA Today 關於本電影High light:
- The drama '12 Years a Slave' is based on the 1853 autobiography of Solomon Northup
- Chiwetel Ejiofor stars as Northup, a free man who spent more than a decade in servitude
- Brad Pitt is a part of the supporting cast and a producer on the movie
Spoiler Alert
Chiwetel Ejiofor ... Solomon Northup
Kelsey Scott ... Anne Northup
Quvenzhané Wallis ... Elizabeth Northup
Christopher Berry ... James Burch
Storm Reid ... Emily
Solomon被賣給了殘忍的奴隸頭子James Burch,因Solomon稱自己是自由人而狠毒的鞭打他;在那Solomon認識了另外一些奴隸,包括Eliza和Emily這對母女。
隨後,牧師William Ford買下了Eliza和Soloman,並感動於Eliza的求情下,試圖也買下Emily,但卻被Theophilus Freeman拒絕。
William Ford成為了主角遇過最好的主人,書中Soloman形容 "there never was a more kind, noble, candid, Christian man."
Paul Dano ... John Tibeats
但後來Ford不堪負債,只好將Soloman轉賣給另外一位奴隸主John Tibeats,不像Ford,John Tibeats壓榨奴隸,並在Soloman反抗時試圖殺死他;Soloman逃回到Ford家,並在Ford勸說殺了Soloman只是浪費自己財產後,成功說服Tibeats放過Soloman.
Michael Fassbender ... Edwin Epps
Sarah Paulson ... Mistress Epps
Soloman最後被賣給了另外一位主人,Edwin Epps,並在棉花種植園度過了他最後的奴隸生活....
Northup actually struck up an "extraordinary friendship" with his first owner, Baptist preacher William Ford (Benedict Cumberbatch), says Ejiofor. But most of his 12 years was spent under the watch of the cruel planter Edwin Epps (Michael Fassbender), who posed an incredible physical and mental challenge to Solomon.Brad Pitt
"Edwin Epps was able to create a very oppressive circumstance with great ease, almost flippantly'' says Ejiofor. "It's a very dramatic relationship and interesting dynamic they have as Solomon is attempting to survive it. Epps is not some Machiavellian character — he just has a mindset and a personality that allowed him to behave in a certain way to the people he owns."
目前不知道Brad Pitt的角色是甚麼,有可能是那位幫助Soloman將信寄回家的好人;也有可能是Soloman逃出來後幫他跟那些綁架他的人打官司的律師;總之就是個好人吧。
另外,導演Steve McQueen也和Fass合作了三次,看來是御用演員了
也多虧了Steve McQueen拿到了威尼斯影帝。
- This is the second film to have Michael Fassbender and Brad Pitt in a movie together on the same year. The other being The Counselor.
- 'Taran Killan' often impersonates Brad Pitt on Saturday Night Live. Though they are in this movie together, they never met or worked together.