
2013年9月12日 星期四

Hollywood Reporter專訪Benedict Cumberbatch

The Confessions of Benedict Cumberbatch

He seems both part of this world and removed from it, with an old-fashioned liking for books (he lavishes praise on Ford Madox Ford's Parade's End, the basis of an HBO miniseries for which he has received an Emmy nomination) and a contempt for the Internet, where vitriol "is horrific. You can't win. It's like a new form of bullying. I find it quite despicable."

他看似是這世界的一部分卻又遠離,對書籍有一種舊式的喜好(他慷慨的給於了Ford Madox Ford的Parade's End讚美,為HBO同名迷你影集的原著,他因此入圍艾美獎。),且蔑視網路,並用尖刻的話形容為「可怕的。你贏不了。就像是一種新類型的霸凌。我覺得這相當卑鄙。」 

But the requisites of stardom still seem alien to him, and he is dubious of his fan appeal, describing how odd it is to be surrounded by portraits of himself that fans have given him: "I've kept a couple that are stunning, that are just really beautiful drawings, and the rest I've had to give away. And I've told fans, 'Look, I'm very flattered, but what do you expect me to do with it? Think about it. Would you want your room surrounded by drawings of you?' It's a bit weird."

也談了接拍The Fifth Estate的經過。

在某人的生日派對外收到演出的消息;雖然從未面對面的見面過但透過朋友有email上的往來,內容除了Assange非常希望他不要接演,其他的則是他們私人的。並提到導演Bill Condon在受到Assange本人的壓力情況下處理的相當優雅和不屈不撓。
Cumberbatch heard about the part "at someone's birthday party. I stepped outside, and both my agents [he's repped in Hollywood by UTA's Billy Lazarus] were sort of going, 'Woo-ooo! Really exciting news!' And I said, 'What? What?' I had no idea. And they said, 'DreamWorks would like to offer you Assange.' " 
While preparing, he did everything to reach Assange. Although they never met in person, the two did communicate, via "e-mail through a friend, basically," explains Cumberbatch, wary of divulging the details. "He was pretty keen for me not to do the film, and the rest is sort of between us, really." 
He seems sympathetic to the man who has been vilified in the Western media and who is now living inside the Ecuador embassy in London while Sweden attempts to extradite him on charges of sexual assault. "The thing is this: I have a profound respect for Julian," he says. "I also have a profound respect for the need of states to have a currency of secrets in order for Western democracy to exist and for fundamentalism to be defeated. And I don't think Julian is interested in fundamentalism triumphing."
Assange's interests, and actions, continued to play out in the media during the film shoot, which largely took place in Belgium early this year. "When you're playing someone who's in the eye of the storm, you suddenly become incredibly conscious of that particular world, those particular concerns," says Cumberbatch. "And the news kept crashing in about [WikiLeaks source Pfc. Bradley Manning]. There was this static in the air all the time."
And not just static, says director Bill Condon: "You had this extraordinary situation for an actor in the last few days of rehearsal, where he is channeling Assange at the same time as the real Assange is begging him to drop out of the film. You can imagine what pressure that put on him. But he handled it with remarkable grace and tenacity." 

He is adamant that Star Wars had nothing to do with his recent decision to pull out of Guillermo del Toro's Crimson Peak. "Absolutely not. No, no, no, no. That was nothing to do with it at all. [It was] between me and Guillermo, to be honest. It was amicable, and that's all I'm going to say."
他堅定認為Star Wars和他最近退出Guillermo del Toro的Crimson Peak沒有任何關係。「絕對沒有,和那一點關係都沒有。說實話是我和Guillermo之間的事,它是友好的,這是我所要說的全部。」

"Sometimes as an actor you're looking for the infinite," he says. "If you can hold that, if you can remember that in the chaos, [it will] anchor you and give you grace and ease."


