
2013年9月11日 星期三

Only Lovers Left Alive 多倫多影展TIFF首映

9/11 更新訪問影片


"Only Lovers Left Alive" Premiere - 2013 Toronto International Film Festival
(September 4, 2013 - Source: Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images North America) 

Guest Portrait Studio: Day 2
(September 5, 2013 - Source: Charles Leonio/Getty Images North America)

'Only Lovers Left Alive' Portraits in Toronto
(September 5, 2013 - Source: Larry Busacca/Getty Images North America)

評價多中上,其中兩位給了三顆星(滿分五顆),比起劇情,導演的風格更為顯著,喜歡該Jim Jarmusch風格的觀眾會喜愛這部片;演員部分都極為出色,男女主角之間的火花也相當吸引人,讓對手戲更有說服力。
Only Lovers Left Alive Review

Where most will perhaps derive the greatest amount of enjoyment from the film though is in its deadpan humor and dry wit. Swinton takes on most of the comedic duties and her delivery is done with aplomb. She truly does a remarkable job here in the role of Eve. Hiddleston is excellent as well. The two craft a charming chemistry that lends an authenticity to their relationship which really makes you feel like they have a strong level of comfort with one another. Their droll performances are sure to stick out in voters’ minds come awards season and the two actors carry the film wonderfully. 
The supporting cast is uniformly fantastic too, with an especially funny turn from Jeffrey Wright and a much needed kickstart from the wild and wacky Mia Wasikowska, who gives the film a bit of energy as it heads into its third act. 
Poetic, funny, easy on the eyes and featuring several great performances, Only Lovers Left Alive is a commendable effort from the sometimes iffy director. It doesn’t get everything right, but it does succeed on numerous counts and I think I can safely say that with Only Lovers Left Alive, the director has made what’s become a tired and recycled subgenre, interesting again. And that is a huge win in and of itself.

TIFF 2013: Only Lovers Left Alive Review

Indie trailblazer Jim Jarmusch’s wry Only Lovers Left Alive is the writer/director’s foray into the realm of the undead, and comes across like Twilight for hip adults. It’s largely uneventful narrative will undoubtedly divide audiences– but if you like Jarmusch, you’re bound to enjoy this. 
While some may find the lack of explanation frustrating, for others it will enhance the intriguing nature of the characters and their relationship. This may be one for Jarmusch fans only. (3顆星/滿分5顆星)

Toronto 2013: Only Lovers Left Alive Review

A lot of the elements of the best Jarmusch movies are present in Only Lovers Left Alive. Dry twee humor, interesting camera work, and strong locations (although the fact that the cities can only been shown at night, because the characters are vampires, doesn’t make the cities as memorably as previously featured cities in Jarmusch movies) are all accounted for, and these aspects are enough to make Only Lovers Left Alive a decent film. The nagging feeling though the Jarmusch is abusing the vampire genre to go off on the things in humanity that bother him squarely place the film in the back half of Mr. Jarmusch’s oeuvre. (3顆星/滿分5顆星)

